Bridge Hill Fire Report

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Bridge Hill Fire: Insights from Orbica's Environmental Monitoring Tool

In early December, the Bridge Hill Fire swept through Canterbury high country, leaving a trail of damage across the region. To effectively plan recovery efforts and mitigate future risks, decision-makers need clear, actionable insights. This is where Orbica's environmental monitoring tool comes in.

Clear, Actionable Insights for Recovery

Using analysis like the Normalized Burn Ratio SWIR (NBRSWIR), Orbica's tool provided a detailed assessment of the fire's impact on vegetation. Here's what the report revealed:

  • Affected Area: The fire impacted steep, formerly forested slopes with high erosion risk due to greywacke and schist soils.
  • Severity Levels: The NBRSWIR analysis highlighted areas of intense damage and provided visibility into vegetation recovery.
  • Significant Changes: Seven critical changes in vegetation health were detected, pinpointing where recovery efforts should be focused.
  • Weather Impact: With 1378mm of annual rainfall and 17° slopes, the terrain poses additional challenges for erosion and recovery post-fire.

These insights equip forestry managers, compliance teams, and environmental planners with the data they need to act swiftly and effectively.

How Orbica Simplifies Environmental Monitoring

Creating a comprehensive fire damage report with Orbica is straightforward. Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose an Area of Interest (AOI): Head to the Orbica Platform and define the location you want to monitor.
  2. Select an Analysis Type: From fire severity to vegetation recovery, customize the insights you need.
  3. Get Results in Minutes: In less than five minutes, you’ll receive a full report, like the Bridge Hill Fire analysis, emailed directly to you.

No complex software or technical expertise is required—just fast, reliable results.

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Why Accurate Monitoring Matters for Forestry and Compliance

For forestry operations, regular monitoring ensures compliance with regulations, supports sustainable land use, and detects changes before they escalate into larger problems. Tools like Orbica’s provide the clarity needed to prioritize recovery efforts and plan long-term solutions.

For example, the Bridge Hill Fire report highlighted critical vegetation damage areas, allowing stakeholders to address erosion risks and monitor the recovery of high-value ecosystems like mountain beech forests.

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